Both the real and the imaginary part of Frequency response function are perfect in view of characterizing the desired input/ output property. 频响函数的实部和虚部就所包含的激励&响应的传递信息而言,都是完备的,并且是一一对应的;
Matched z-transform is a digital method by which analog controller is transferred to digital controller. If imaginary part ω 0 of zero of analog controller is more than one half of sampling frequency ω s, frequency response of the digital controller can be aliasing. 匹配Z变换是将模拟控制器变为数字控制器的一种数字化方法,若模拟控制器的复数零点的虚部ω0大于采样角频率ω的一半,这时数字控制器的频率特性将会产生严重混叠。
The results show that the real part of the microwave permittivity rises, but the imaginary part falls with an increase in frequency, which indicates ACFs have the frequency response effect. 发现随频率的增大,介电常数的实部减小,虚部增大,具有频响效应。
It is found that the hopping conductivity property of the chain with different site-energy is similar to that of the iso-energy site chain, however, the site-energy differences can cause the transformations between peak and valley of the imaginary conductivity at low frequency. 结果发现不等能格点链的hopping电导与等能格点链的基本相似,但格点能的差值不同可能使电导率虚部的低频峰变成一个谷;
The equilibrium states and the transition state have been verified according to the number of imaginary frequency through vibrational analysis. 通过振动分析对平衡态和过渡态进行了验证,并得到了零点能。
There is no imaginary frequency in vibrational analyses. 在振动分析中,均未出现虚频率。
The influence of imaginary component of propellant response function on the oscillating combustion frequency of rocket engine is concisely analysed by a real example. 本文用一实例简洁、通俗地分析了推进剂响应函数的虚部对火箭发动机振荡燃烧频率的影响。
Imaginary Time Frequency of Coordinate Transformation and Temperature Radiation 坐标变换的虚时频率与辐射温度
An imaginary structure whose mass and stiffness were close to staggered truss structure's was created according to that staggered truss structure has more uniformly mass and stiffness distribution, and the simplified design formulas to calculate the frequency and vibration mode of hypothetical structure were proposed. 根据交错桁架结构质量和刚度分布比较均匀的特点,构造了一个与其质量和刚度分布相近的假想结构,并给出了假想结构各阶频率和振型的简化计算公式;
A minimum of the imaginary part of the dielectric constant was observed at lower frequencies from the frequency dependence of the dielectric constant, this implies the existence of imperfections and space-charge polarization in the crystals. 介电系数的频率特性显示,介电系数虚部在较低频率时呈现极小值,这表明晶体中存在缺陷和空间电荷极化。
A positive imaginary part of the frequency ω means that the mode is unstable. 解色散方程,如果频率ω有正的虚部,那么盘是不稳定的。
In the proposed algorithm, firstly, based on the fact that the imaginary part of the electric admittance of the skull can be high enough at high frequency to ease the injection of electric current to do the electrical impedance imaging. 算法的特点:一是基于高频下人颅骨的电导纳的虚部增大,使电流易于注入脑内以实现电阻抗成像;
For all optimized configurations, there is no imaginary frequency in vibrational analysis. On this basis, the electronic spectra have been calculated by CIS method. 对各化合物优化后的构型作振动分析,均未出现虚频率,在此基础上,采用CIS方法计算电子光谱,并给出了3种化合物电子光谱的波长与CIS组态数之间的关系。
Then the modeling of time domain is derived. The relations between the parameters of SVG and the response times of real and imaginary currents, the capacitors voltage at DC side are deduced on frequency domain, and verified by simulation results. 推导出了SVG的时域模型,并在频域内获得了SVG输出有功电流、无功电流和直流电容电压的响应时间与SVG参数间的关系,并得到了仿真结果的验证。
It also gives the relation between imaginary time frequency and radiate temperature. It is pointed that the imaginary time periodicity of coordinate transformation causes the Hawking radiation. 证明坐标变换的虚时频率与辐射温度的关系,认为坐标变换的虚时周期性是产生Hawking辐射的根本原因。
By frequency calculations, we studied the vibrational spectra of two transition states. The result shows that the vibration relates with imaginary frequency were contributed to the form of the product. Other vibrational frequencies and vibrational models of two structures were some different. 对两个过渡态结构及能量大小简单比较后,计算了它们的振动光谱,发现虚频所对应的振动模式有利于过渡态脱氢而生成产物,其他的振动频率和振动模式有一定的差异。
The curves of negative real part ( decaying coefficient) and imaginary part ( decaying vibration frequency) versus uniformly distributed follower forces are obtained using quasi-Newton method. 通过拟牛顿法,得到了一阶复特征值的负实部(衰减系数)及虚部(衰减振动频率)与切向均布随从力的变化曲线。
The paper studies pole placement of singular system by state-space techniques, then develops general statements for comparison of transfer functions of singular system in the sense of quadratic forms on the imaginary axis by frequency domain method and researches disturbance rejection in singular system by method of geometry. 用频率域方法研究了奇异系统传递函数在虚轴二次型意义上的比较理论;用几何方法研究了奇异系统的干扰解耦问题。
The real part of the torsional dynamic impedance for end-bearing pile in layered soils decreases and the imaginary part of the torsional dynamic impedance for end-bearing pile in layered soils heightens along with the increase of frequency. 随着上覆土层厚度的增加,层状地基中端承单桩的扭转动力阻抗的实部和虚部均减小;
The influences of real modulus, imaginary modulus and loss factor of viscoelastic material on the resonant frequency and the modal loss factor of the structure with different thicknesses of damping layer are analyzed. 针对不同的阻尼层厚度分别考察了复弹性模量的实部、虚部、材料的损耗因子的影响。
Plenty of experiments show the real, imaginary, module and angle of wavelet transform can accurately choose the fault line and precisely identify the high frequency of transient signals. 通过大量的实验,表明利用小波变换后的实部、虚部、模值以及相角可以准确的给出故障线路并高精度的提取故障信号的暂态高频分量。
The number of imaginary frequency was utilized to confirm whether the species is a local minimum or a transition state, and the population analysis was used to enucleate the reaction mechanism. 我们用虚频的数目(0或1)来判断物种是稳定构型还是过渡态,并用电子布居分析来阐明反应过程。
Material containing permeability or dielectric constant imaginary part can improve the bandwidth of absorbing material in a certain frequency range. 使用含有磁导率或介电常数虚部的材料可以在一定的频率范围内改善吸波材料的带宽。
The vibrational mode analysis shows that the reaction mechanism is reliable. When using vibrational mode analysis to elucidate the mechanism, we find that the only imaginary frequency of a transition state is always related to the breaking or forming bond. 在进行振动模式分析的过程中我们发现,过渡态的唯一虚频总是与被拉长的、即将断裂或新形成的键有关。
The imaginary vibrational frequency analysis of reactant, products, catalysts, all the products transition sates and intermediates is performed. 对反应物、催化剂、所有过渡态、中间体和产物进行了频率分析。
In order to get the stability configuration of the local potential energy in the lowest point, we must ensure that no imaginary frequency appears. 计算中保证无虚频出现以得到局域势能最低点的稳定构型。
One approach to treat material viscosity is to assume the elastic constants as complex constants, in which the real part is the elastic constant and the imaginary part is the viscosity that is related to the frequency. 处理材料粘性的一般办法是将粘性项作为虚数部分插入到本构关系中,从而使得原来的弹性常数转变成了复弹性常数。
For the relaxation and the resonance magnetic spectra, we analyzed the dependence of the real part, the imaginary part, the maximum of the imaginary part, the resonance frequency, and the resonance line width of complex susceptibility on anisotropy angular dispersion. 获得了弛豫型和共振型的复磁化率曲线,分析了复磁化率的实部、虚部、虚部极大值、共振频率,以及共振线宽随着各向异性角分布的变化规律。